Flutter is a free and open-source UI framework that was released in 2017 and originally developed by Google.

Flutter enables developers to create cross-platform applications using only one codebase. It is a fantastic tool for developers as it can drastically accelerate app development, reduce costs, and make cross-platform app updates easier.

You can make applications for Android, iOS, Windows, and Web just using a single codebase.

Installation and Configuration on Windows

Step 1: Download ⬇ the Flutter SDK (Software Development Kit) package.

Link*: https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install/windows*

Step 2: Extract the file πŸ“

Extract the downloaded zip file and move it to the desired location.

Note: Do not install it in a folder or directory that required elevated privileges, (such as C:\Program\FIles)

Suggested: Make a folder named src with the following path (C:\src) and extract the files there.

Step 3: Update Path Variables for Windows PowerShell πŸ’»

In this step, we will be updating the path variable to run Flutter Commands in Windows consoles: PowerShell and Command Prompt (CMD).

a) Click on Start Button and type β€œEdit environment variables for your account.”


b) Under User Variables, click on and highlight Path. Click Edit


c) On the new appearing screen, click New, and add the full path to your flutter\bin directory (ex. C:\src\flutter\bin).